
Curtin Christian Union runs many activities and events on campus throughout semester.

If you follow us on insta or facebook you’ll probably find the latest special events (we don’t always put up one-off events on this page).

Bible Talks

12pm Wednesdays (starting July 31 2024)

This is the “main event” – it’s the biggest meeting CCU runs. The Bible Talk runs from 12pm on Wednesdays in 401:002. We gather to hear a talk from God’s word, then continue together for lunch afterwards. Anyone is welcome to attend the Wednesday talks – all you need to do is turn up on the day!

Bible Studies

Throughout the week, various small groups of students meet together to study the Bible in depth and encourage each other to live it out. If you’d like to join one of these groups, either contact us and let us know when you’re available, or come along to the Bible Talk and sign up there.

What Christians Believe

We run Alpha a couple of times each semester for students to find out the basics of what Christians believe, who Jesus is and what he’s done. Please contact us and we’ll get you involved in the next course.

Can I even trust the Bible?

That’s a good question, and precisely the kind of question that we discuss at our Good Questions course. Skeptics and believers are invited to come and think about whether the claims of Christianity stack up. This course usually kicks off about half way through each semester and while you can come to every week, you can also just come to the topics that interest you. Get on our mailing list and we’ll keep you informed.

Regional Events

CCU also participates in regional events like Mid Year Conference and NTE.  You can find out more about these events via AFES WA:

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Check out Facebook for the latest news, including social events, opportunities to serve, and much more!